What are your e-shopping carts telling you?
Nextopia, a Toronto-based e-commerce consulting firm, discovered online shoppers leave more than $4 trillion worth of unpurchased merchandise in online shopping carts. The group has created an info-graphic detailing some of their findings, which include:
- Out of every 100 potential customers, 67% leave the website without making a purchase.
- The most-cited reasons for not buying: 56% of customers said they were presented with unexpected costs at checkout, 37% were “just browsing,” and 36% found a better price elsewhere.
- Other reasons noted included: the website’s navigation was too complicated, the checkout process was taking too long, there were excessive payment security checks and, conversely, concerns about payment security.
- Two-thirds of shoppers said they would buy more if returns were free.
- 47% (almost half!) expect a Web page to load in two seconds or less.
While the $4 trillion number can be discouraging, Nextopia notes, “Shopping cart abandonment actually presents an opportunity for online retailers to revitalize their payment process and marketing campaigns.” See the complete info-graphic at bit.ly/1AGWsm8.