By Jeremy Hirsch

It is not easy for an e-mail message to make it through all of those e-mail filters and distracted recipients and be read by a decent percentage of your target audience. Here are 12 proven tips that will get more of your e-mails delivered, seen and acted upon.

1. Every e-mail should have a clear call-to-action.
It is best to use one strong call-to-action. It is at times OK to use two calls-to-action. But don’t have more than two calls-to-action; your user will lose focus and not select any.

2. Never design your whole campaign as one large image.
If the image is blocked, the user will see nothing. Scold your designer if they do this.

3. Specificity is good. People respond well to numbers.
You are probably reading this article because you were intrigued by the title with the number 12 in it.

4. Think mobile.
Around 15–40% of e-mails are now being read on mobile. Be sure to design for mobile. You might need to start producing two versions of e-mail: one for PC and one for mobile.

5. Keep copy short and tight.
Since users tend to scan rather than read digital materials like e-mails, they will not consume a whole lot of text. Make it simple for them to scan through your content by using short, conversational words and sans serif fonts.

6. Use graphical intent to lead your reader.
In other words, start the piece off with a large headline, then lead her with copy and images though your message in the body. And then close her with a call-to-action in the form of a colored button with an edge.

7. Use images, but don’t be blocked.
Pictures are a great way to convey messages and stories. Just know that a majority of e-mails will block these images as a default. Your most important points in the campaign need to be in text (not pictures) to ensure the message is seen (and not blocked)

8. Always use ALT tags with your images.
With ALT tags, when images are blocked your users can still understand your message. An ALT tag is alternative text that renders when the accompanying image is blocked.

9. Target, target, target.
You’ll get much better results if you send messages to the people who benefit from or have interest in your message.

10. Pay attention to the beginning of your subject line.
The most important part of the subject line is the first 12 characters. Make sure your key point is made there.

11. Keep in mind DRIP campaigns.
DRIP campaigns (pre-scheduled series of campaigns that are kicked off based on an activity, such as signing up for a trial) are highly effective. Try them.

12. Aim to send your e-mails from a person.
People trust or are intrigued by other people. Be sure send your e-mails from versus Readers will open an e-mail from a person at double the rate than they will an e-mail from a department or company.

Employ this set of tips on your next campaigns. You will find your results will build when you use these practices.

Jeremy Hirsch is the founder and president of Aptus Digital. He is a senior marketing executive with a proven track record of success in helping organizations connect with their customers, expand their relationships and build loyalty. Jeremy has more than 20 years of diverse business experience ranging from startups to multi-billion dollar firms in such industries as B2B and consumer software, retailing, wholesale trade, and services. For more information, visit