Best reading for small-business gift shops that we’ve seen in the past few weeks.

The Four Types of Holiday Shoppers and How to Reach Them

From Cardlytics comes this brief but interesting article about the types of shoppers you”ll encounter. Among the interesting stats we saw were the fact that Black Friday shopping is declining among other groups but increasing among the Black Friday Shoppers. We also learned that Last Minute Shoppers are the largest-growing group.

The Guide to Generations and How They Shop

From Retail Dive, this is a long but enlightening read so save it for when you have some time. Among the things we learned here included the fact that millennials aren’t the youngest target demographic anymore (ever heard of Gen Z?), which taught us that we should read articles like this more often. Learn about how Gen Z and millennials both like experiences and journeys (ie showrooms).

Big Box Preparing for ‘Silver Tsunami’ of Senior Shoppers

The Philadelphia Enquirer ( wrote this article about how large-store retail chains are now trying to appeal to seniors. Learn about their tricks of the trade as it relates to appeasing elderly shoppers, including lower shelves.