Do you ever get tired of putting out the same marketing strategies? Do you feel like your customers are getting bored with what you have to offer? Well, it’s time to start thinking outside the box. The new Small Business 2022 Marketing Calendar has some great ideas that will keep your customers engaged and coming back for more! Check out what our new 2022 Marketing Calendar has for you. 

  1. Retail Holidays by month that actually matter to your shoppers. These holidays are the ones that bring shoppers to your store and website.
  2. The five key shopping seasons and the right things to focus on each season. Including:
    • The high impact categories and products your customers want each season.
    • The campaigns that resonate with shoppers each season.
    • Two specific tactics each season that you can lean into to build a more loyal following.
    •  Proven ideas for engaging customers that do not require price discounts.
  3. An offer for a free Customer Service download to help your team when those customers engage with you in the store or online.  

The 2022 Small Business Marketing Calendar is a guide to creating marketing campaigns that will re-connect you with lapsed customers and build new connections to prospects. Working with Delaney Consulting, we have created an all-new resource for 2022 that will give you new ideas and new tools for breaking out of your old patterns and make your marketing efforts stand out. This 9-page download can be your roadmap for connecting with potential clients this year, so don’t wait!  To get started today, simply click the button below.

This calendar is for both small businesses and gift shops. It will not be updated for 2023. If you’re interested in the concept, download this 2022 version, then adjust the dates accordingly.

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