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August/September 2023


10 New for You
Discover trending products to include in your inventory.

16 Home Décor
Find the latest items that add feelings of comfort to a home throughout the year.

22 Cooking & Kitchen
Make meal prep and cleanup easy for your shoppers with these ideas for the kitchen.

28 Candles & Scents
Check out these candle lines to add new scents in your store.

32 Game Day: Sports
Help customers get ready for football season and more with these fun products.

34 Sales Trends

Get a glimpse of what retailers in various parts of the country are experiencing this year and what they expect for the remainder of 2023.

40 Work With Like-Minded Businesses
Follow these tips around festive times of the year to boost customer visibility and sales.

44 The Yuletide Trail
See how businesses and organizations in a Midwestern community collaborate to host a holiday event that includes cookies, music, crafts, and store specials.

48 Business Briefs
Telling the truth about entrepreneurs; put me in, coach; join the SWOT team; cybersecurity: getting the message across; how much influence does an influencer have?

52 Rah! Rah! Retail

Jump on the bandwagon and show your team spirit by incorporating these ideas in your displays.

58 Doubletree Gallery, Framing, Gifts & Collectibles
Beverly Noyes-Hanson’s gift shop in Sisseton, South Dakota, has a variety of products, including gourmet foods, home décor, apparel, American-made items, and South Dakota wines. She changes the categories based on community needs and regional trends.

ON THE COVER: CTW Home Collection goes “Back-to-Basics” with its re-imagined primitive look. Its nostalgic décor brings charm and much-needed comfort to living spaces. See the entire primitive collection online at